Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Lion's Paw

Carl Claudy was a Masonic Author. He wrote The Lion's Paw which I am currently reading. Ordinarily I would wait until I have finished a book until I write about it but I am going to share a couple of things which I found particularly touching/meaningful to me. The story is about a young boy who is orphaned. His father was a Past Master and Masonry is all through the book. He winds up in a Masonic Home for children but before that he is introduced to Masonry by his father who takes him to the Lodge room. He is with another child, a girl, who's father is also a Mason. They see the Altar and ask:

"What is the Altar for?'
"To put the Holy Book on!" he explained.
" Why?" asked Winty.

"An intelligent question about Masonry deserves an intelligent answer." Mr. Millard spoke as if to himself. "Listen, both of you!"


This is a holy place," he began, "That Altar -- the Altar of Freemasonry is God's Altar. Freemasonry teaches the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. At that Altar they take their vows and become brethren. From that Altar radiates a sweetness, a helpful spirit of light that makes the whole world better. To it the sore in spirit come for never failing comfort. By its light men compose their differences and forgive each other their wrongs. One of you --" he pressed Winty's shoulder as he spoke, "may some day have the proud privilege of kneeling at that Altar. When you do, remember -- this is a holy place. Keep it holy."

I thought about that tonight at Lodge when our newest Brother knelt at the Altar to take his Obligation as a Fellow of the Craft. I thought about the sweetness and the helpful spirit of light that makes the whole world better.

The book is kind of schmaltzy in places and as I read it I find myself choking up a little and there are a few tears coming to my eyes but I am enjoying it. I borrowed it from the Grand Lodge Library. You can also borrow books from them (even if you are not a Mason) all it costs is the return postage. It is a wonderful service.

Speaking of wonderful services. The Internet has a terrific story written by Claudy called The Old Past Master, Understanding.

I highly recommend that you go read it. More from the book tomorrow, Hugs, j

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Schmaltzy" is a good word to use for parts of this book. Without a doubt, Claudy goes over the top at times. But that is one of the ways in which he lets you know what he really thinks.

He never misses an opportunity to talk about the fraternity. Winty's life is just an excuse to hang a Masonic discourse upon. But that's OK, Claude makes some very astute observations. Ones that spoke to me were his comments on candidate instruction, on lodge operation, and on "old-school hard line ritualists." And what is important to remember is that he was writing this all in the 30's and 40's, a time when the current "old-school hard liners" would like to return.