Saturday, July 25, 2009

I Am a Liberal

I wrote this in 2004. I meant it then and I mean it now. I recently had a conversation with someone I like very much. But he is a conservative. I was thinking that perhaps I was a conservative or at least more conservative than I used to be. However I went over to my poetry blog and found this and read it again and I still think that most of it still fits what I think.

If being a liberal means that:

you love liberty and freedom
instead of “Patriot Acts” and trampled rights.

you care for people
instead of corporations

you support education, teachers and free public schools
instead of religious indoctrination and acts that
leave many children behind

you care for children and their well-being
instead of corporate CEO’s and their fancy lifestyle.

Fine, then call me a liberal!

If being a liberal means that:

you believe in religious freedom
instead of “everybody think alike” doctrines

you believe women are equal and should be treated (and paid) as such
instead of being “subordinate” barefoot and pregnant

you believe in supporting our troops
instead of the lies that put them in harm’s way

Fine, then I’ll take the name liberal and be proud of it!

If being a liberal means that:

you don’t believe that oil should be purchased with blood
or that greedy corporations should get rich from war

you want to preserve and defend our environment
instead of raping the land so nothing will remain for our future.

you believe that some forests should be saved for the animals that inhabit them
instead of destroyed for big business profit.

you believe in clean air
instead of pollution and acid rain from factory smokestacks

Then, I’ll be a liberal!

If being a liberal means that:

you believe in families no matter of whom they are composed
instead of divisive (so called) defense of marriage legislation.

you know that some folks are different from others

not through choice but because they were made that way

you know that God made Adam and Eve
as well as Adam and Steve and Ellen and Eve


you believe that everyone has a right to live a life free from harassment and hate
instead of living with humiliation and fear

If being a liberal means all that- then I am a liberal, an American liberal, and proud of it!

Jay Cole Simser
July 7, 2004

1 comment:

John said...


There are still a few of us around.

I'll stand up with you ANY day for these goals!
