Friday, July 10, 2009


As always click on the button to see the guidelines.
And don't forget to go to Raven's Nest to see all the others.

Next Week's Ten Word Challenge will be: sober, spoilage, knight, laugh and the world laughs with you, peak, blueberries, owl, drugstore, lampshade, keyboard

For the mini challenge: economy, Michael Jackson, ladder, clue, structure

Phrog was sober but he felt like he had been wrung through a wringer with a bunch of spoilage. He ached so much that he wasn't going to be able to lift the sword to knightt the newest members. He felt just like he had when he fell from the tree and was only saved by hanging on for dear life. Someone had snapped a picture and it hung in the foyer. Everyone who saw it laughed but Phrog did not mind. His philosophy was "laugh and the world laughs with you."
He was very hungry so he thought he would peek in the pantry to see what he could find. What he saw made him with excitement.."Oh my, pineapple upside down cake." he thought. He would continue reading Peak by Roland Smith while he ate it. He got some blueberries out to put on the cake.

All of a sudden he heard an owl hoot. He looked over and saw his pet sitting on the lampshade of love. It reminded him that he must go to the drugstore to buy some owl food for his pet. He sat down to the keyboard to play some music. Because of the economy he was going to have to spend a lot for the owl food.

He began to play a Michael Jackson hit while his owl danced up and down to the music. The bird had jumped from the lampshade to the top of a ladder. Phrog hadn't a clue as to how he was going to structure the meeting --- all this procrastination had to stop but his head hurt. What to do, What to do!

Next Week's Ten Word Challenge will be: corn pone, delegation, nectarines, happiness, 12 going on 13, prancing horses, magenta, butterflies, fragmentary, arthritis

For the mini challenge: lavender cowboy, over the moon, preparation, zebra, area rug


Raven said...

Poor Phrog. I wonder if a pet owl is as much trouble and joy as cats. I love the picture. Angel and Tara Grace send their regards to Baily, Max and Cassie. They have been very well behaved today... their birthday gift to me, I guess. I will probably pay for it tomorrow. Thanks for the birthday wishes.

Reston Friends! said...

You always leave us hanging...ha ha ... I can completely identify with Phrog's procrastination! And love the picture. Hang on, help is on the way!

Dr.John said...

Poor Phrog , so much to do. Are you sure you can trust that owl? Owls and dragons are good friends.

Fandango said...

If you think Phrog is sore now just let us catch up with him. We are still upset by the nasty things he said about dragons last week. We have friends everywhere. We will get him.
Good writing

Batteson.Ind said...

Just watching harry potter!.. speaking of pet owls and all that.. I really like phrog :-)

Argent said...

Let's hope Prog's day gets better. Loved the playfulness of this.

Akelamalu said...

I can just picture the owl dancing on the lampshade! :0

Stephen said...

I liked the picture of Phrog. The cake with blueberries sounds good. The owl seems to be an interesting and fun pet. Perhaps we'll see some more of it. I enjoyed reading the story.

Stephen from Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

gabrielle said...

Poor Phrog. I can certainly identify with procractinating, especially when there's pineapple upside down cake!