Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Green Has Returned

It is a little early for this but in honor of the first day of Spring here is a poem I wrote in April of 2001

can you hear it?

The Green has returned
accompanied by daffodils -
dogtooth violets, Dutchman’s britches, and baby lambs.

The Green has returned
and brought with it
blue skies, clouds, gentle rain and thunderstorms!

The Green has returned
resurrected from Winter’s cold sleep
leaping up to celebrate life.

It slipped around the corner -- sneaking up on us -quietly whistling a little tune to say ”I’m baaack!”

We are getting the first of our Spring storms today. The thunder and lightning of last night's storm woke Bailey up last night and he in turn woke me up by barking at it. This was about 4 AM and I had difficulty going back to sleep. So I got up early and have been tired all day. It was a beautiful, warm, rainy day. Very nice.

I got my hairs cut today (all of them) and had lunch with my friend Bob. Then tonight I went to the York Rite meeting. The High Priest is really enthusiastic and is working to revitalize our York Rite. Things are looking good.

Stay warm and be happy and watch for the green to come back.

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