Friday, March 2, 2007

Miss Cassie

Cassie (Jon's cat) lives with me and she is fun to have around. These two pictures are of her getting her drinks from the bathroom lavatory. She comes in first thing in the morning and jumps up and waits for me to turn on a slow trickle of water and then takes her paw and directs the stream of water to her mouth. When she finishes she comes on out and I have to remember to go back in and turn the water off.

Another cold day in Ames. I didn't even go outside and I didn't get any mail (at least not yet) so I wonder if they even delivered. I don't really mind not getting mail generally all I get are bills and ads. Nothing that says I have won the lottery or sweepstakes. Of course I would have to enter to win something. I can never understand why people gamble. My feelings about it is that I am going to lose and I set a limit for the amount I will "pay to play" usually not much.

I did win once. Mom and Ginny and I were on a trip to California and we stopped overnight in Vernal, Utah (That is another story) and then went on to Winnemucka (sp?) for breakfast. I decided to lose $5 on the slot machines and to make a long story short I won a jackpot of about $275. I told my mother that I had just won a jackpot and she said "lets get the H*** out of here." So we did and on the way home I purchased a beautiful Indian made turquoise and silver watch band. It was exciting. Unfortunately I have never been that lucky again. Usually I would lose 30 or 40 dollars and decide there were other places to spend the rest of my money.

My cousin Tom, seemed to be able to win as when I went to the Casino with him he came away with more money than he went in with.

Stay warm and hopefully things will be better tomorrow. I have not been out of the house for two days and I am going stir crazy. The biggest disadvantage to that is that I get bored and then I go off my diet. I had four beef sticks this afternoon. One every 10 minutes. The boys thought I was worthy of their adoration while I had the sticks in hand and they got a few tastes. j

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