Saturday, March 10, 2007

Probably Boring

Yesterday I discovered that my computer ink cartridge was about out of ink. So I loaded up the "boys" to go to Staples and get a new cartridge. No problem there. I use the "beltway" - going out to Dayton and around town to get to the south side of town. The boys were good and I got the ink cartridge and came home.

When I came in I discovered there was a message on the answering machine. It was Jon requesting that I go to the basement closet to get his good clothes out and bring them out to him by 4:00. So I went down and got the clothes and put them in the car. While I was doing that Max went out into the garage and was out there when I came back in. I decided I would check to see if the mail had come. Went out the front door to see if the mail was there. It wasn't. The problem came when I closed the door and locked myself out of the house. Couldn't open any of the doors. Shouldn't have been a real problem but there was snow and I couldn't climb over it with my brace and shoe. So I walked back and forth for a while and noticed the Mediacom truck pulling in across the street.

I asked him if he would climb over the snow and go around to the back door, which I knew was open, and come through the house and let me in. He was worried about the dogs but fortunately Max was in the garage so I got back in the house. Locked the dogs up and then took Jon his clothing.

I have a long black leather coat and with my black hat I was accused of being Jon's "drug dealer" at the Flying Burrito. Turned out he was going to his roommate's wedding in Des Moines. I won't say anything about planning ahead. But I was glad to do it and got a kick out of being called a drug dealer.

Today has been busy Practice this morning and two degrees at Lodge this afternoon. It was a good afternoon and the degrees were done well. Both candidates expressed gratitude for the work that the Brothers put on.

I found out via a phone call that the Met Opera is broadcasting Opera to certain theaters on High Definition Big Screen TV. Cinemark is one of the Theaters and there is one tomorrow afternoon so I really think I will go to the Opera since I missed listening today. I don't know much about Opera but I enjoy listening to them on WOI.

I have one of the clocks set ahead. Will work on the others before I go to bed. People are "fussing" about their computer clocks. I downloaded a patch which is supposed to take care of it. I found this explanation for how we got Daylight Savings Time on the Internet.

Daylight Saving Time was invented by an Indian chief who cut one foot off the end of his blanket and sewed it on the other end to make the blanket longer.

I remember hearing some woman complain (when they were first putting forth the idea of DST in the state) that she wasn't in favor of it because her "plants would get an extra hour of light and it wouldn't be good for them." No kidding. They walk among us. I, of course, am in favor of it because there will be extra time for the snow to melt. - Grin - Stay warm and happy.

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