Saturday, March 31, 2007

Today -

Saturday - March 31, 2007

The Grand Commandery held a school of instruction at the Ames Masonic Temple today. It was fun to see the guys from all over the state. I am not very active in Commandery but it is a part of the York Rite so I do what I can.

This evening I went to Des Moines to have dinner with friends Jennifer and Charlie. I had not met Jennifer and really, really like her. She is bright, articulate, funny, pretty and just all around a good person.  

We ate at Chef's Kitchen on Bever and I recommend it. This is the third time I have eaten there and twice I have had the Jack Daniels New York Steak. Vegetables, Salad with creamy garlic dressing that is out of this world. I brought half of it home. I was planning on eating the entire thing but my stomach must have shrunk as I got full. Of course not so full that I couldn't have Creme Brulee after. I like to treat myself every once in awhile and I got a good check up on my diabetes from the doctor. In fact the number reported is .1 off from being non-diabetic. And did I mention that I have lost a total of 42 pounds since last August 29?

I have started a new book. Aunt Fran would have called it a Rape and Screw book. I was not 30 pages into it and we already had this young virginal woman seducing this head of the Arcane Society. Every once in awhile it is fun to read a trashy novel. Not that this is a trashy novel but it is different from the other books I have waiting.

It has gotten chilly again. We had tornado warnings today and lots of rain and thunder. The wind is blowing and I am weary. So all that remains is to say stay warm and Be Happy.

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