Friday, March 16, 2007


I want to say that over the years the library has been a great help to me. I love to read. As a kid I started out with comic books and could get into them so far that people would talk to me and I would not hear them. Later the library supplied me with books to read. They also supplied me with answers to questions that I had as I was growing up. Through the library I found the answers to questions I had about who I was and solutions to problems of growing up.

There is nothing more satisfying than owning a book. (Well maybe there is but that is right up there with the good things in life) and I own a lot of them. Mostly I read for enjoyment but there was also a lot of information and personal growth to be gained by reading.

Our Grand Lodge has the priemier Grand Lodge Library in the world. It was started by T. S. Parvin about whom I have written earlier. Anybody can check out their books by writing to them. The book comes in the mail and when you have finished it you pay the return postage.

Ames is fortunate in that we have not only the Public Library but also the University Library. I have made good use of them over the years. The schools I went to and taught in also had libraries and media centers and they were the heart of the school and the librarians were supportive and helpful. I also had books in the classroom. I left about 6 boxes of books (big boxes) behind when I retired.

Unfortnately one of the problems with the library is that all kinds of people use it including smokers. Now I used to be a smoker so I am guilty also. But now that I am no longer a smoker the smell of smoke is very obnoxious to me and not pleasant. If I check out a book from the library there is a chance that the smell of smoke will waft up from its pages. The last time I checked out a book from the library the odor was so strong I took the book back without reading it.

So now I go to Borders and buy books. You will seldom find me without a book close by and I really am at a loss to figure out how people can NOT read. I am grateful for the ability to read and for the libraries that supplied me with material to read.
Stay warm and be happy!

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