Thursday, March 1, 2007

March certainly came in like a lion. It is crummy outside. Even the "boys" can tell there is something going on. Max usually sleeps on the other side of the room and is quiet (until he hears a noise) Today he has been sleeping over next to my chair and he has been practicing his "in and out" control of Uncle Jay. I put a couple of pictures of him on here as he went out to "do his business." Usually he goes out and rolls around in the snow and then he takes off to the far corner of the yard to take care of things. Today he is looking out the window. Sitting for a few minutes and then standing by the door to go out. He also climbed up on my lap. They know when something is going on.

Lodge was canceled for tonight so I am going to stay in. Keep warm and thanks for reading my blog. j

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