Saturday, March 17, 2007

March 17, 2007

Today was excellent. I got up and looked outside to see the yard covered with snow. The dogs loved it. Max running around all over the place, just like a kid. Bailey, being older was more sedate. I thought to myself "What is this ___?" then I realized that my new philosophy is "Snow Melts" and came inside to do my Blog and check out others blogs and web sites. Around noon I decided I should get dressed and face the day.

I picked up cleaning (Now you can see why I call this the "Most Boring Blog...") and went out the the Masonic Temple for a York Rite Friendship meeting. Our High Priest had arranged it and while we did not have as many prospects as we should have liked what we lacked in quantity was certainly made up in quality. We had some "Grands" there and they did a fine job representing the Rite and a delicious shepherd's pie dinner was served afterward. Of course I was in the mood for steak but that is all right. I probably didn't need it anyway.

I read an entire book in between all of that - James Patterson's "Step On A Crack" and as usual it was excellent. I just finished it and decided I had better do my blog and then start on another book. I went to Borders yesterday and there are three new books waiting to be read. Not to mention all of those that I have on the shelf waiting for me. I finished another one yesterday and it was not as easy to read as it did not hold my interest as well as Patterson's book. His books are not hard to read. They are generally not overly long, put together well, suspenseful and with a (mostly) satisfying ending.

I have something to do every day this week so I am going to be busy, busy, busy as Billy DeWolfe used to say. Life is good. Stay happy and keep warm.

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