Sunday, March 11, 2007

Movies, etc.

When I was a kid I went to a lot of movies. We had four theaters here in Ames. The Collegian, The Capital, The Varsity and the Ames. We also had a drive-in on the west side of town. Generally I went to the two downtown theaters. They were great fun. There were huge "kiddie shows" at the Collegian. These were full theaters with baloons, games and the manager as MC. One of the challenges was to eat a soda cracker and then whistle. The first one to whistle won a silver dollar.

Most of the time I would get dropped off at the theater and go to the movie and then someone would pick me up after it was over. Usually these were the cowboy films or the serials. I remember one problem I had because of this practice. I was always tall for my age and the cashier at the theater would not accept that I was young enough to get into for a child's ticket. I went down to Dixon's drugstore to call home. Needless to say I was upset. My grandmother came down to the theater and let them know in no uncertain words that "that boy does not lie." From then on I carried proof of my age with me to the movie theater. I think also her statement gave me a standard of honesty to live up to.

Over the years I have been to thousands of movies. I used to go right down in front (probably because I needed glasses) and get right into the action. I especially enjoyed the Tarzan movies. There was something exciting about a man raised in the jungle who could talk to animals. I only got "pulled" from one movie. I don't remember what it was but it was to mature for me. This was before ratings and my mother monitored my shows.

I have seen great stars and traveled the world because of movies. Katharine Hepburn in "The Lion In Winter and Elizabeth Taylor in anyting stand out. Sophia Loren and Audrey Hepburn were incredible. Once I went to a Holywood primere when I was visiting my aunt in Los Angeles. All the stars of Mission Impossible were there and it was fun to see them.

I still go to movies. Now I sit in the back of the theater (on the left side) so that people don't have their view blocked. I saw one today. "Amazing Grace" is an excellent movie. It is about the fight to end the slave trade in England. Albert Finney played the composer/author? of the hymn Amazing Grace which is one of my favorites and while he was not the main character in the movie he did an excellent job. I recommend it highly. Thumbs up and five out of four stars.

The day was beautiful today. No problems with daylight savings time and the snow melts. Stay warm and be happy.

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