Monday, March 12, 2007


March 12, 2007

This was a very good day for me. It was very warm and I was able to go out with a light spring jacket. Went to the grocery store and then this evening I went down to Des Moines to attend Lodge down there. I really enjoy this Lodge. I have a lot of good friends there and went out afterwards with the officers. I was made to feel very welcome. They have a dinner before the meeting every week. ($4.00) The officers serve it and tonight I had my first charcoal broiled hamburger of the season. Delicious. I have been there before and really enjoy the fellowship.

At times I actually think it would be good to live in Des Moines. I am beginning to think my house is to big for me and I could take advantage of a lot of things down there. I go down a lot anyway. Enjoy the restaurants, entertainment and shopping. Perhaps I will move.

Ginny had an article published in Defenders of Wildlife. You can see it at:

Sorry you will have to copy and paste it because I don't know how to make it clickable. Perhaps I shall learn someday. I did go back and get the picture.

I am amazed at the numbers on this blog. Thanks for reading it. Stay warm (much easier today) and be happy.

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