Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Rabbit, Rabbit!

It is  August.  I used to hate August because it meant that the summer was almost over.  I always enjoyed getting ready for a new school year and sometimes I still have dreams (8 years later) about getting the classroom ready for the new School Year and planning the things we would do and looking over the kids who would be coming to the classroom.  It also meant that we might get a chance to go to the State Fair and sometimes we went to Leech Lake the last of July or the first of August.  You would have to ask Ginny about that.  She has a better memory storage system than I do.

Friend John likes to play around with the computer and this is the result.  I love it.  The kids have a pattern now.  They sleep a lot but in the evening they get active and like to play around.
Molly jumped up on my lap tonight without being invited. Just decided she wanted to get away from Miles pestering her.  She is such a love. Climbed up and snuggled for awhile and then got back down.

Eventually they go outside for the evening business and then come back in for treats and then they will settle down.  Molly will miss him and so will I. 

In the morning they want to eat each other's food.  I give Molly Taste of the Wild and Jon gives Miles IAms.  I have to sit between them and keep them apart while they eat.  

I usually have toast with Greek Honey mixed with Ceylon Cinnamon on it.  It is really good and my friend Su had a piece on her Facebook that it would help with arthritis.  I don't know if it does but I really like it for breaking my fast.

The Queen would never do this but I feel that way about the coverage of the Olympics. I had forgotten how obnoxious it is to break away to Ryan Seacrist (sp?) interviewing Michael Phelps and the fluff stuff from Matt Lauer and Meredith Vieira and the incessant talking that goes on (I have to watch with the mute on.) and the endless commercials.  Anyway it is easier to read and just have the picture on. (Click on the link to read Slate's take on Matt and Meredith.)

I found a new blog.  Harper's Valley.  Harper is a lovely dog who lives in Arizona. His "Keeper" put together a nice blog/web site.  He left a comment on my blog and that is how I found him.  I enjoyed his writing and recommend it to you.

Happy Wednesday!  Hugs, j.


Dianne said...

Molly loves you more and more each day, that's the way critters are :)

love the Queen and her fingers!!

I can't bear NBC covering anything
and I've been turned off to the Olympics more and more as they became more commercial

John said...

I am assiduously AVOIDING the Olympics on TV for exactly the reasons you give for being honked off at NBC. When I watch sports on TV—and I do indeed watch football and basketball at the collegiate and professional levels and sometimes pro hockey as well—I turn off the sound. The TV folks still cut to pictures of yammering commentators, but at least I don't have to listen to their puerile pontifications. I also don't like the way sports commentators spend their professional lives yelling at the tops of their lungs.

Miss Molly is a good dog. So is Mr. Miles. Both of them are flat-out beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the kind words about Harper's Valley. Definitely a newbie but enjoying it so far.

Since moving to AZ we've made an annual vacation trip to Canada every August. When people mention August I think of the break from the desert heat and the beautiful area around Lake Ontario,,,where, at least in my mind, it is always August.