The Table Lodge was the highlight of the day. We always have a great time and MC Toastmaster Allen does an outstanding job. There were about 33 Brothers in attendance and we had a very fine steak dinner. The meat was rare as were the jokes.
In other news I had to get up early and go over to see Dracula at the Clinic to have blood drawn and to pee in a cup (like you really wanted to know that.) - Then I came home and read my blogs. There was a story in the Des Moines Register about PGM of the Grand Council Dana Anderson and his sister who were in the Parkersburg Tornado. You may read it here.
Then I had lunch with Mrs. Rust. Dallas is a former principal from Ames and a great friend. We worked together on the Language Arts Committee for the Ames Schools. She is one of the finest educators I know and I enjoy getting together with her.
Then I came home and wrote the latest installment of my continuing saga of the Salamander Sisters and their friend Mr. Phrog. I used to use Mr. Phrog in all of my spelling sentences when I had to pronounce spelling words to my class. It was fun to try and figure out a sentence for the words which would convey the meaning and still be able to use Phrog in the sentence. (If you don't get it Ph is pronounced "f") Some of the kids liked it and anyway it kept me from falling asleep (most of the time) while I had to perform that mundane task. So now I use him in my Wordzlle efforts.
And then - - --
And then - I went to the movie. Why, you ask, would I go to a movie on a day when I had so much to do? Well, it was MAMMA MIA and it opened today. I sat in the theater wiggling. tapping my toes, laughing, crying, loving every minute of it (except when Pierce Brosnan sang) and wanting to get up to dance to the music. Meryl Streep was marvelous. She is woman personified. She is beauteous. She is a goddess. Oh hell I don't need to go on about her. Don't walk, run to the nearest theater and see this great movie. Take someone. Laugh, cry, hug, whatever. You won't be sorry.
When Streep leads the women of the Island in "Dancing Queen" there is nothing better. The others in the film were also terrific and it is the best movie I have seen this year. I went across the street to Borders and purchased the sound track when I left the theater. I did this even though I already have the stage version and I do love it. But Streep! Well you know.
The "boys" have been alone much of the day but they seem none the worse for wear. The Table Lodge was one of the best I have attended. The only thing wrong with it was that some of my best friends/brothers were seated to far away for me to be able to visit with them.
Oh, I almost forgot. I got my second Scottish Rite Master Craftsman test back today. I got 100% on the test and my friend S. Brent Morris checked it. Made me feel really good. I am not going to wait as long to do test three. I am finding it to be a lot of fun. I won't catch up to Kurt (He is almost finished) but it will be good to get closer to where he is.
All in all it was a wonderful day. I hope yours was good also. ARTYAL, Answer your e-mail and give someone a giant hug. jcs
All in all it was a wonderful day. I hope yours was good also. ARTYAL, Answer your e-mail and give someone a giant hug. jcs
1 comment:
Wow what a movie rave!! I love Meryl too :)
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