This is the only on-going Blogthing I am participating in - No Ruby Tuesday, Skywatch Friday, etc. And today it really is on Saturday because of our Specialis Procer meeting yesterday. Not a great story this week. But next week's words look very interesting
And for the Mini Challenge: Ireland, mashed potatoes, book worm, fog horn, T.S. Eliot
Continued from here.
“I am not sure when you can meet her,” said Mr. Phrog. “She is very shy. I will be glad to introduce her to you if I can win the argument we are having about her needing to be less of a book worm and get out more.”
“Well,” said Sallyie, I know what I can give her for a gift. I have a beautiful first edition of T.S. Eliott published in Ireland, I know she would love that. Now I must get to work. I need to polish the furniture and then run to the silversmith to pick up my silver candlesticks. Do you think I should use the little red roadster to go or the limo?”
“Oh, take the roadster,” said her sister Saydie “I like to think of you streaking down the road. Oh and while you are out would you pick up some mashed potatoes and some buffalo wings for supper? If only you could go as the crow flies then you would be there and back in a flash."
“I imagine that can be arranged.” said Sallyie, “Now Phrog, I want to suggest that you take your honeymoon trip to Ireland. Come look at this photograph. We took it last year on our trip for the Order of Salamanders to look for an International Headquarters. It was so beautiful! We stood there on the coast and listened to the fog horn and drank Irish Whiskey. “
“Bushmills or Jamesons” asked the Phrog. “Oh never mind.” I don’t really enjoy either of them I much prefer Scotch. I am just a pencil pusher after all. Our taste are simple.”
With that he bowed to the girls, turned away from them and jumped in his Porsche and sped down the road. Off to meet Esmeralda for lunch at the Amphibian Alehouse..
"Well," said Saydie, "that was rather abrupt and rude. Perhaps he doesn't want us to meet her after all."
Next Week's Ten Word Challenge will be: ghastly, excrement, bill of sale, vague, thicket, precarious, life long ambition, gunnery sergeant, posthumous, bellowed
And for the Mini Challenge: lap of luxury, yellow-bellied sapsucker, quinine, generalization, abnormality
I just realized how affluent and socially connected these amphibians are! Can't believe it took me so long for it to click - the roadster or limo just made me chuckle.
And I am becoming so fond of Phrog - he is so proper, yet has a dry sarcastic twist and now he's a man of mystery.
I think you did great Jay!
I just love Phrog and the sisters and their unusual relationship. I'm sorry you are getting bored with them. I'm with Dianne on the line about the red roadster or the limo. Cool choice.
Not so sure I am as bored with them as I am thinking that people are getting that way. Thanks for your comments. I was just not feeling creative after having to live in mundania for awhile.
The world of Phrog and the sisters Salamander continues to intrigue and delight. Thanks for the continuing tales Jay.
Don't be too hard on yourself. I think your ongoing story is a fun read each week.
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