I really have nothing to report. It has been a rather blah day. I finished the book I was reading and started a new one.
Doug brought over some home grown raspberries (mmmmm) and I fell asleep watching Channel 11. Mystery didn't grab me tonight. I guess I needed to catch up on some sleep. I went to the grocery store and mailed some letters. Just boring.
Tomorrow is the big day. Our new lodge will be instituted in Des Moines. For some reason I seem to have a problem and have been "fussing" in my head about things. I suppose it is partially because I want things to come off well tomorrow night and for everything to go smoothly and partially because that is just me. I seem to go through cycles.
This is going to be a busy week. I have the Institution and Installation tomorrow. Tuesday the "boys" go to the groomer, Wednesday is the officer meeting at the Des Moines Scottish Rite, Thursday is degree practice and Saturday the Oklahoma Degree Team is performing in Newton. Any ideas for Friday? It would be nice to go out to eat with someone on Wednesday but I doubt that will happen. I know that I am fortunate that I do not have to worry about asking someone else if I can do things. If I want to do something I can just do it. Sometimes I think it would be nice to have a person in my life to consider but then I see/hear people who seem to have that other person who wants to control them and do not "allow" them to do some things. And they are sometime inappropriate about the way they let their spouse know that they are the ones in charge. On those occasions I am glad I am single. However it would be nice to have someone some of the time. Guess you can't have it both ways.
I am "culling" some of the blogs I read as they are taking a lot of time and they can be irritating. There was one that kept talking about conspiracy theories, etc. Another is involved in every little "gimmick" out there. I prefer to read Forks off the Moment because she always has a good piece of writing and is never boring (unlike me) Many of the so-called "Masonic" blogs are pushing to write something about Masonry. I write about it a lot but not enough to make this a strictly "Masonic" blog. Besides Aunt Jo would quit reading my Blog if it was only Masonic. I may do a lot with Masonry but that is not my only interest. I just enjoy it a lot and most of the people in it.
I really need to spend about two days organizing and cleaning my office. I mean I can find things in there but woe unto anyone else who would go in there. There are creatures living under those piles - creatures who would gladly grab onto you and ull you down into the morass in which they live.. And you would never be seen again.
That is it for now. ARTYAL, answer your e-mails and big hugs. Hold good thoughts for tomorrow. jcs
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