This is a big Movie Week-end. Both Mamma Mia and The Dark Knight opened. I saw lines at the Theater for both movies. I went to Mamma Mia yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was hard not to get up and dance in the aisles.
Today I went to see The Dark Knight and the only criticism I have was that it was a tad too long. At almost three hours I got a little tired of The Joker continually escaping and Batman having to deal with him again.
This was Heath Ledger's last movie and in spite of the despicable character which he played I rather liked him. He did a wonderful job with the character and it is so obvious what an enormous talent he had.
The other actors were all good and it was a very enjoyable afternoon. (Except for having to sit in the third row and I now have a crick in my neck. I recommend both movies but if I only had one to see I would choose Mamma Mia. I am now waiting for it to come out on DVD. There was a woman in the line before me at the theater today. She and her friend were going to see Mamma Mia. I told her not to dance in the ailes. She said that she had done that at the Civic Center in Des Moines. She had gone three times in one week. I'll bet she sees the movie again before it leaves. We both agreed that Pierce Brosnan was not a great singer but she said "At least he is pretty." We decided that was why he got the part. Review here.
It will be interesting to see what the Box Office reports tell us about this weekens receipts. I would bet that Dark Knight may beat out Mamma this weekend but over the long haul I predict that Mamma Mia will win.
ARTYAL, answer your e-mail, tell somone you care and catch a big HUG! jcs
1 comment:
I was coerced into seeing Mamma Mia (the play), which ended up being great... as for the movie version, sounds fun, though it's awkward to think of ol' Pierce trying to sing, yeeesh
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