Bob sends along two more pictures. Did he find these critters out at a lake in rural Iowa? Or perhaps at a farm pond? No, they live in a pond in the center of Des Moines. South of the
Des Moines Art Center is a pond and Bob visited them there. The Art Center is on my list of places to visit soon. It is a treasure. The fellow below is probably
Mr. Phrog's Iowa Cousin - Pharley.

And this reminds me of a perfectly awful story - one that we told in high school and thought was so funny. My sense of humor has matured but I share it with you anyway (only because I found it on the Internets):
One day, a Rabbit, a Turtle, and a Buzzard were planning on starting a farm. The Turtle and Buzzard were digging holes, and they sent the Rabbit out to find horse manure, to fertilize the land. While the rabbit is out finding manure, the turtle and buzzard strike oil. They become instantly rich. When the rabbit returns, he sees a mansion. He rings the doorbell, and a butler answers. The rabbit says "where is the buzzard and the turtle?". The butler replies "Mr. BuzzARD is out by the yard, and Mr. TurtEL is out by the well." the rabbit says, " Tell Mr TurtEL who is out by the well, and Mr BuzzARD, whos out by the yard, that Mr. RabBIT is here with the sh*t!"
1 comment:
More great Bob photos.
I like Pharley a lot, perhaps he will visit his cousin.
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