Challange Words are: handy, operation, gratitude, parallel bars, the color purple, manic depressive, Puget Sound, fragmentary, perpetual motion, secretive
And for the Mini Challenge: sympathetic, filet of sole, mysterious stranger, elephantine, music
“Come Sallyie,” said Saydie, “ it is time for us to leave on our trip to Puget Sound for our Fourth of July Picnic. That mysterious stranger who just telephoned us said that he would it would be handy if we would meet him near the perpetual motion machine.”
“Why is he being so secretive?” asked Sallyie, “I am not at all sympathetic to him. He has too much affinity for the color purple and I suspect he is a manic depressive.”
Oh Sallyie you must ask someone else that question,” returned Saydie, “I am much to busy planning our trip to the Sound. Hark, what is that music I hear?”
I do believe that is not music at all but rather an elephantine trumpet and I would appreciate it if you would show some gratitude for all the work I do around this place.” said Sallyie.
“I am going outside to practice on the parallel bars,” said Mr. Phrog who had been turning a fragmentary ear to this conversation while he applied green lipstick to his face. “May we have some filet of sole for supper?”
“Of course,” replied the girls. “Take off your shoe and we will begin the operation. Do you want it fried or broiled?”
Next Week's Ten Word Challenge will be: gouged, symmetrical, Spanish moss, ATV, parallel parking, Luscious, origami, amphibian, turkey, gravy train
And for the Mini Challenge: pouring rain, mastiff, church bells, wedding dress, stock car races
They get better every week. I love the filet of sole joke. Have a Happy 4th of July!
Fabulous as always! I love the continuing story. :)
This is definitely the other side of the looking glass Jay and very enjoyable reading.
I now have a picture of a one-shoed frog in my head.
I can't stop laughing at the second paragraph. manic depressive with an affinity for purple!
I love the way the sisters talk to each other. So endearing yet impatient and cranky. They love each other and can't stand each other.
It's all just so brilliant!
Being a "phrog" he's lucky they didn't go for the whole leg!
"Hark, what is that music I hear?" LOL! I love to use the word Hark. You made me laugh, and I so loved the addition of the joke! Really a fun read. Thank You!
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