I went to the movie Wednesday night. Wanted. In it there was a guy who could shoot the wings off from a fly. I need him here. There is a damn fly in the house who thinks it is perfectly all right to land on me. WELL IT ISN'T!
I went out to the Flying Burrito and ate this afternoon. Jon was working. It was kind of fun to go there. I don't go very often because it is too much to eat.
I also finished my second test in the Scottish Rite Master Craftsman program and have it ready to send in. No hurry won't go out til Monday. I have to get some other things ready to go out also. So that is about it. Not much to report and I don't have anything I really want to rant about. I will include a picture that Bob sent me of the moon which he took last evening so you will at least have something to look at. Enjoy. Remember ARTYAL and answer your e-mail - j-bear.

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