Friday, November 28, 2008


As always click on the button to see the guidelines.
And don't forget to go to Raven's Nest to see all the others.

This Week's Ten Word Challenge : posthumous, flagrant, seven days a week, cheese and crackers, pyramid, civil war, clarinet, microwave, absent without leave, blue jeans

Mini Challenge: sugar-coated, thermometer, tractor pull, evangelical, masquerade

LaGi looked at the sisters and suggested something rude. “Perhaps a
posthumous award would be appropriate for your flagrant violation of good taste” he said.. “I suggest you both take classes in kindness. I can’t help it if I thought I was eating cinnamon and discovered, too late that it was something else. Say, is this place open seven days a week?”

Sallyie said that it was. “The Lodge of the Order of the Salamanders is always open and there is always
cheese and crackers available back there between the model of the pyramid and the civil war photograph. Say LaGi, would you play your clarinet for us at the town Crazy Walk if we microwave some cinnamon buns for you to turn you back to red?”

“I will be happy to,” said the monster. “By the way where is Phrog, He seems to have gone
absent without leave.”

“Oh I sent him out to purchase some new
blue jeans,” replied Saydie. “He should be back soon. Would you like some sugar-coated cinnamon candy while you wait?”

“Delighted,” replied the monster removing the
thermometer from his mouth. – “Well, I see I am back to normal after catching that cold at the indoor tractor pull over at the evangelical church. I wonder if they got all the dirt off the floor in time for the masquerade ball?”

Next Week's Ten Word Challenge will be: think the rain’ll hurt the rhubarb?, B Vitamins, credit card, jolly, angels, mouse, three ring circus, haiku, sponge, copper

Mini Challenge: compulsive, trunk, African violets, curiosity, UFO


Raven said...

Brilliant, as always. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Akelamalu said...

You always manage to fit all the words in perfectly Jay. Can't wait to see what you do with next week's, I'm already stressing! :(

Dr.John said...

Looking forward to Phrog's return. I love the ongoing story.
Never thought that cinnamon buns could turn a monster red. Neat idea.

bettygram said...

Wonderful you got all of the words in and continued your story. I like a church that has a tractor pull and a masquerade ball.

Carletta said...

I struggle to get a ten word and a mini and you have all fifteen words in a concise little well put together package! Wonderful.
I see that you, and Dr.John, and I all linked tractor pulls and evangelical together. Did we have angels looking over our shoulders do you think? :)
Have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

Fun! I love this story. Sorry I came to the party so late, my wifi router died and I had to run out and buy a new one!

Dianne said...

I loved how LaGi got a bit testy with the sisters!!