Monday, January 5, 2009

Icy Cool

Bob writes,
On Sunday morning, wearing ice grippers on my boots I went out and tried to find some interesting closeup shots of the ice and how it interacted with nature on my street, and these are the results. The asphalt pavement was an olympic skating rink! The sharp thorns of bushes were gracefully complimented by graceful shrouds of ice. Tiny droplets of water froze into spherical prisims. Needles of a Japanese Ewe bush were frosted with cold glass. The flower bud of a Star Magnolia bush, while ice covered on top, was anticipating the warmth of May so it could bloom! A solitary Pin Oak leaf fell and stuck to the wet concrete driveway where both were encrusted and covered in ice....except for a small sheltered portion of the driveway under the leaf! It was beautiful out there and while later I would be glad when it melted, for now it was a delicate sight.