Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Impotence of Proofreading

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That reminds me. I am currently reading an interesting book entitled "The Quantum Enigma." It is written by a couple guys with PhDs in physicks, or is that fisics. Anyway, it is actually a pretty good book exploring some of the "spookiness" of quantum mechanics that gave Einstein so many headaches. Anyway, I looked in the Table of Contents to find the section on recommended reading. I went to the page indicated in the TOC, only to find that to be in the middle of the last chapter. The recommended reading section was actually about 18 pages further toward the back of the book. On looking closer, I discovered that the page numebrs listed in the TOC for Chapters 15-19, the index, and the recommended reading were all off, and off by varying amounts. It was not just as if they had updated the book with some more information in Chapter 14, throwing all the rest off. No sir, it was just flat goofed up. And this is in a professionally published book with, I presume, qualified editors. Of course, I passed it off as a subtle demonstration of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. Since I knew exactly how fast I was reading the book, it was obvious that I couldn't know exactly what page I was reading at that instance.