Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday Wisdom

From One Mountain, Many Paths
An American Freemason Speaks Out for Peace
by Dr. Patrick Swift
Click book or here to go to the page and buy it for yourself,

Then Peter came and said to him, "Lord if another member of the church sins against me, how often should I forgive?" Jesus said to him, "Not seven times, but, I tell you, seventy-seven times."

Matthew 18: 21-22

Overcome anger through forgiveness.

Samanasuttam 136, Adapted

The goal of Jainism is liberation of the soul from the negative effects of unenlightened thoughts, speech and action. Thus, one's karmic obstuctions are cleared by right view, knowledge and actions. Jain teaching is based on the rejection of caste systems and the principle of reincarnation.

Anger certainly has a negative effect on a person. As does rejection and depression. I know. I am sure all of us know. When I think of the "law" of karma I worry about the times I have said something or done something to hurt another. I find it hardest to forgive myself for those times. I also am finding it hard to forgive some people for the way they have treated me. Oh, I will accept an apology but I don't have to like the individual or even forgive them. Especially when, by their actions, I see no real change in the way they behave towards me. So I find it best to just let them go and find other people to be with and around. Sometimes it just hurts too much to put myself through it over and over again.

It is not a good thing to do but I find it hard to forget sometimes when I have been really hurt by those who I loved and thought they cared about me. I can carry that hurt for years. I think it has to do with a poor self-concept on my part. No matter what some people say I don't really believe that I am worthwhile. (I know pity party time again.) I guess you could say I don't much like myself and need to forgive myself. I have done a lot of things and I have accomplished a few things in my life but there are some things which I do not have and I chalk it up to a lack in myself. It sort of makes me want to spin a cocoon and go into hibernation and just not deal with people. I think it is my SAD coming through.

Reincarnation? I suppose so - but I really would not want to live this life over again. I do know this that if you have hurt me I find it very hard to get over that hurt. Any suggestions on how to forgive. I may love you but I don't ever trust again. Thanks for listening. Hugs help. jcs


Ur-spo said...

Forgiveness is the hardest thing - it doesn't count if it is easy. And it doesn't mean the forgivee was 'right'.
Tough topic.

Mnmom said...

"No matter what some people say I don't really believe that I am worthwhile." - That's me in a nutshell.
Thanks for your blog today - it hit home. said...

But you are. I have gotten to know you through your Blog and I am sending you love. As I said Hang in there. j

BentonQuest said...

The Human Condition at its finest. I find that I assume everyone else has it all together and I am the only one who is totally clueless. said...

And then we find that we are not alone and there are a lot of us who have the same problems The Internets are a great leveler. I enjoy your Blog and you. jcs