Thursday, December 13, 2007

Santa Rant - Bah Humbug

Now don't get me wrong, I love Santa's I have a whole collection of them. But when I really think about Santa Claus I feel like the little kids in this picture which Cathy from Massachusetts (spelled right without even having to use spell check - Ha!) sent me.

I played Santa at the Mall a couple of years for the Ames Community Theater of Recreational Services (ACTORS) and I always enjoyed it - up to a point. I mean how many smelly, graspy, dirty, snot-nosed, little kids can you hold on your lap - all of them asking you to bring them expensive (not from China or Wal-Mart) toys. So I got so I would play "Subversive Santa" I would turn the table and make sure I asked them what they were giving their parents for Christmas. I mean that is what it is all about, isn't it giving. Santa gives. He goes around and gives presents to little kids at Christmas and we expect the kids to believe that he lives at the North Pole and is aided in producing all of the toys by an army of "elves" of all things. Far fetched and I guess I shouldn't worry about it because of global warming and the big business (and GWB) ignoring our part in contributing to it, the North pole will soon be melted and Santa's workshop and all those nasty little elves will sink to their icy death at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean.

Now I do like the idea of giving. I get a lot of pleasure out of giving things to people. I used to have a friend (operative word there is used to have) who I enjoyed giving things to but that is no longer an option so now what I am doing is I have taken to carrying around some of the gold dollars in my pocket and when I see a particularly well behaved child I either give them (or most usually their parent) the coin and tell them it was because I was so impressed with how well they are behaving. It is fun. I gave one to Nikolos last night and it was fun to watch him tossing it around the rest of the evening. I got a kick out of it and as I said I enjoy it.

I may wind up in the poor farm but at least I will have had some pleasure in giving. When you think of Santa as an anonymous giver then I am in favor of it. When you think of Santa as a place to go and ask for all of your greed to be satisfied then I think you have missed the meaning of it. I also don't like the "naughty or nice" aspect of it. Santa shouldn't be some "big brother" in the sky used to browbeat kids into behaving a certain way. It is no wonder the kids in the picture are screaming their heads off.

So Santa here are my Christmas wishes (York Rite Masons should recognize most of them) -
Give me a few friends who will value me for who I am and not for what little I may possess.
Lift my eyes from the earth and teach me the uses of the stars.
Teach me to be thankful for life and for twilight's olden memories which are good and sweet.
In addition:
May I be no man's enemy, and may I be the friend of that which is eternal and abides.
May I never quarrel with those nearest me; and if I do may I be reconciled quickly.
May I know good men and follow their footsteps.
May I be honest with all and have them treat me with honesty.

Come to think of it I mostly have these things now so I am truly blessed. You be too, and know what Love is. Hugs, j

PS. I just got a call from my aunt. It seems that someone in their infinite wisdom has decided that we won't give gifts in the family this year. I am supposed to bring a $20 gift and then there is to be some kind of stupid game to play where you can steal each other's gifts. I already have my gifts purchased - for all of them. I almost decided not to go. However I am going and I am giving the gifts and then I will announce that this is the last year to give gifts. That next year I will be donating to a charity in lieu of gifts. It really pisses me off when I can't give things to people that I want to. So I will quit. I don't expect anything and to my way of thinking December 13th is way to late to make that kind of announcement. I may just stay home and send the gifts up. We used to have a "drawing" and I thought that was stupid also because some people would give gifts outside the drawing and I never thought that was fair. so I got out of the drawing. I always spend too much on Christmas. If I hadn't already done my shopping it might be different but I have - so once again, the family has made me feel crummy at Christmas.

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