Sunday, December 30, 2007

Sunday Dinner with the Dawsons

I drove to Johnston today to meet Scott, Tracy, Tom and Emily for Sunday dinner at the Texas Roadhouse. I have eaten there once before but I have never seen the waitress dance before. The music got turned way up and they started dancing. It was fun.

I got the picture above by giggling the camera. I kink of like the way it came out. You can see a better picture of Scott below.
It has been amazing to watch Emily (4th grade) and Tom (8th grade) grow and change over the years. They are both good kids with strong values. Besides that they are nice! And that is important. I am not jut saying this because Tracy reads my blog. She knows I mean it.

We have always had a special place for Scott. My mother and sister and I watched him grow up. When he was little he spent a lot of time at our house 

and we have good memories of those times (especially the trip back from Minnesota which involved a piece of chocolate pie. Scott still beings it up although he was probably younger than Emily when it happened. Tracy and I usually discuss education. She has been a teacher for 20 years and we hold a lot of the same opinions about administrators and politicians.

It was my second time to eat at the Texas Road House and I still like it a lot. I highly recommend it. I had the rib eye and the ribs. Excellent meal, excellent company and altogether an excellent day. Hope yours was good also. Hugs, j

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