Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Tuesday Tattlings

Bailey went to the groomer today. Doesn't he look nice? I got him a toy and put it on the tree. It stayed there about three seconds. It is the little green dog with the Santa Hat.

I have been busy all last evening and today putting notebooks together for the 2008 officers. The new Master and I thought it would be a good thing. He wrote a good letter to start off the year and my printer and copy machine have been working overtime. A list of the Officers and Committees with their contact information, the yearly calendar with meetings and events, the duties of each officer from the Code, the By-laws of Arcadia Lodge and a list of the membership make up the contents. I hope they will find them useful. In addition I printed the programs for the Installation (one omission) and folded them. This year I got some really nice tri-fold brochure paper with a glossy finish. I found some Masonic Clip Art and if I do say so myself they look nice.

I have also been getting ready for the Stated Meeting on Thursday. There is a lot to do but I kind of enjoy doing it.

I also got a start on my Christmas Cards.

I don't like the cold!

I love Boston Legal!

There is a commercial on TV right now that tickles me every time I see it. Three girls are standing watching a Shetland Pony devour a dog house. She wanted a pony phone. I laugh just thinking about it. One girl says "Does he -- bite?" and the way she answers "Yeah!" just gets me going every time. I think I like it because my cousin John had a Shetland pony when he was a kid and it was kind of mean tempered also.

I am sick of answering the phone to find it is a political person taking a "survey" Yeah Right.

I am also sick of seeing the hypocrisy of those running for president who held one opinion when they were governor of Massachusetts (or where ever) and now pander to the opposite viewpoint because they think that is what we (the electorate) want.

Did I mention that gas in Des Moines is 13 cents a gallon cheaper than it is in Ames? Explain that to me someone, please!

I like Bill Richardson, what he stands for and what he would do for the schools. Getting rid of "No Child Left Behind" meets with my approval.

I don't think you can call yourself a Blogger unless you put something on your blog regularly.

Did I say that I love Boston Legal? Well I do. David O. Kelly is a genius. I have enjoyed all of his shows.

They are threatening more snow. I already had to use the 4 wheel drive to get into the garage once. Whatever happend to global warming? Oh well, it makes the Christmas lights look nice, Stay warm and be happy! Hugs, j

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