Thursday, April 17, 2008


Something really nice and unexpected happened today. Something that never happens. I went to Des Moines early to meet Kurt at Starbucks for coffee before I went to the Scottish Rite Event
The surprise was the papyrus in the picture above as well as the book and the little figures. Kurt reads my blog and he had seen my Egyptian Bedroom and decided I needed some more color for it. So he really got to me. You know I am usually the one who gives things. I seldom get things just for no reason. I am still shook up about it. Somebody once told me I was way to generous. I don't think so. I actually don't think I deserved this and I was really touched. It shook me up and I still tear up when I think about how nice it was. They will hold a very special place in my heart. And in my bedroom. I know just where it is going.
This is Bill Knoll. He is the Personal Representative for the Valley of Des Moines in the Scottish Rite. That means that he represents Illustrious Gary Sissel who is the Sovereign Grand Inspector General for the Orient of Iowa (Does any of this make any sense to you?) Anyway he is the "go to" guy for the Des Moines Scottish Rite and technically could veto anything that anybody wants to do. He doesn't work that way however. I doubt you cold find a nicer guy (No Bill, I am not sucking up) -- Well, there are many who are just as nice. But the reason his picture is here is for you to click on it and go look at the pictures I took tonight at the Friends of the Consistory Party.

I was able to get my strips so I could take my blood sugar today and it was 124 which is a little higher than I want but all in all not bad considering I am not taking Metformin any more. Tomorrow I am meeting Craig McFarland for lunch at the Tradewinds. Steve Sosbe runs the place and oh my, on Friday you can get a really great meat loaf lunch there. I really like Steve. I have known him since we were kids. Our mothers were friends. I think I will stop in at the Ames Historical Society and renew my membership also.

I am really looking forward to Saturday night Matt and I are going out to eat and then go to see Craig Ferguson at Hoyt Sherman Place. Things towards the end of the week are so much better than the way it started out. I think I just have to realize who are my friends and not worry about people who don't like me. Perhaps just stay away from them. Maybe the fault is not me. Perhaps they don't really know how to be a friend. Oh well, I owe it to myself to work for happiness. God Bless all my readers and Always Remember That You Are Loved. Hugs, j

Addendum. I was just checking my Blogs on Google Reader and I found one of the greatest posts over at the Masonic Traveler. The Post is "The Ultimate Masonic Gift and it is worth reading. Among other things he says:

"Men have to be taught human interaction. Being vulnerable, letting it all hang out, having a confidant, male bonding that is The Ultimate Gift Of Freemasonry."
You see men really do need to be close to other men, they just don’t know how to do it. The tenets of my profession as a Mason are Brotherly Love, Relief & Truth. We as Masons teach much about Relief and we provide many lessons for making a quest for Truth, but we do little to teach Brotherly Love & Affection and how to become blood brothers. But in essence that is what a Brotherhood is most about."
Please do take the time to go read and ponder it. j

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