Thursday, December 23, 2010

Just sayin

This is in my neighbor's front yard.  I think it is made with buckets of frozen water.  I thought it was unique enough to share.

I took it on my way home from York Rite last night.  It is hard to go to the meeting and not have enough show up so that we have a quorum and thus be unable to do the business of electing officers.  So it has to be put off until next year.

High Priest, Illustrious Master and Commander Kevin and I ate at Buford's before the meeting.  I had ham and it was delicious.  Kevin had steak and sent some home to Bailey and Miles.

We will have to elect next month. I get very discouraged when I think about the York Rite and the lack of interest in it from the members.

When I got home Jon was here. He had just gotten here and he brought his new laptop.  It is a very nice Sony and I am glad he has it.  I like my Mac but when I looked at his I began to get the "New Computer fever" - (However I won't be getting one soon.  My big expense just lately was four new tires and I am going to pay them off before I think of anything to buy. )

We tried to set his computer up so he could connect to my Internet but were unable to do so.  During the process my computer became disconnected from my airport and I could not remember the password and could not reconnect.  AAAARRRRGGGHHHHH - Jay without being able to connect.  Horrors.  I was not a happy camper.  I called my friend Bob and he could not help me.  He tried but we couldn't get it done.  Nothing to do but shut down and use my phone to check my e-mail and Facebook.  I eventually went to bed and slept until after the Heartland Technologies would be open and wound up having to take my airport out to them (5 minutes away) and getting it reset ao I am now back up and running.

It makes me realize just how much I depend on the Internets.  When my Aunt Jo (in her 80's no less) said "I love Google" when we were out for lunch on Sunday I realized just how far we have come because of the Internets.  Because of it I have friends I have never met in person - (Sometimes the best kind because they don't turn on you) and people who read my poor scribblings from all over the world. I can tell you this that I am very grateful for each and every one who stops by and helps run the numbers up.  It was nice to see that 156,156 number when I logged in this morning. (Of course about 56,000 of them are just me checking in and editing

Thanks for being with me and for keeping me sane.  If you are Christian I wish you a Merry Christmas. If not may this season of year when the Light begins to return bring the light of Love into your life. The Jewish people have a tradition at their new year that they make amends with those they have offended during the year.  If I have offended anyone I am truly sorry.  I do not consciously try to hurt anyone.  I know I have pissed some people off but you know that is more their problem than it is mine. 

 I try to overlook my friends faults and go on from there.  My mother had friends which she kept for over 40 years.  I never heard her put any of them down.  She did not tell them what she thought but always made them feel welcome and the coffee was always on at "Ruthie's" - I wish I was like that but evidently I am not like my mother as I seem unable to keep a close friend.  It hurts but that is the way it is.  I would wish things were different but they aren't and that is not my choice.  If you have hurt me my way is to withdraw and leave.  I do not like confrontation and if you chew me out about something - well,  let's not dwell on how I feel about that.  Suffice it to say it will be a new year soon and new things will happen and I will continue to do my best and if you don't want me as a friend that is your choice.  If I am of no value to you I am sure that you will find others to be friends with as will I.  It has taken me from my birthday until now to get some peace back in my heart and while I am not happy I am getting happier.  Life is worth living and there are things to do.  In the mean time I wish you well on your journey. Be gentle with one another and cherish your friends.  Hugs, j

1 comment:

Knight said...

This is very moving. It reminded me of a time when I didn't have close friends. I had to move to a huge city to find like minded people. Many of us don't intend to offend and lose people over being misunderstood. I wish it was easier. I'm so glad you have this here blog so I can sneak peaks at your life and share in the online gems you find. Thank you.