Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Road Trip to Cedar Rapids

This gives you an idea of what the drive to Cedar Rapids was like today.  I don't like driving in fog and it was fog for all 108 miles.  But the temperature was good and it really just meant that I had to drive at a safe speed and that did increase my gas mileage.  I got there in good time and wandered around the Grand Lodge Building and snapped some shots.

This is the Conference Room where we held our meeting.  I am chairman of an ad hoc Committee of the Grand Lodge and we are working to set up an Iowa Academy of Masonic Knowledge.

The Grand Master, Craig Davis was able to join us.  Other members of the Committee are  Tim Anderson, Deputy Grand Secretary and Bill Jacobson, Personal Rep for the Valley of Cedar Rapids and George Harrison of the Sioux City Scottish Rite.  He had to come the most distance. 

I took this shot down the corridor.  I liked the way the Christmas Tree outside the War Memorial Room reflected on both of the polished walls.  It came out interesting.  Not what I expected but I like it.

This is a closer picture of the tree and the entrance to the War Memorial Room

The painting hangs in the room and I want to steal it for use with the Iowa Academy.  It symbolizes Masonry for me.  Haven't asked the other committee members about it yet.  This picture is a view of the other side of the room  I love the sculpted Square and Compasses in the carpet.

 The tree from the back -( Well duh that is obvious)
 This is a treasure being restored.  It was presented in honor of T, S. Parvin who founded the library and was the first Grand Secretary.

This is a "Shrine" cabinet also being restored which is also a treasure.  I believe they were stored in the basement until a PGM and another Brother decided to restore them,  

We walked over to have lunch across the street and when I came back I snapped these with my phone.  You don't usually see the grand Lodge from this angle.  The lions in front were covered with snow.  Tomorrows warmer temperaturs should take care of that.

It was a productive meeting and I am excited about what we are trying to accomplish.  The trip home was just as foggy and the only problem was the last half hour was without the help of the sun. But I made it and am having a nice Iowa Bourbon (double) to celebrate making it.  Have a wonderful evening.

BTW that is Tim Anderson, Deputy Grand Secretary watching me take the photo. One of Iowa's most dedicated Masons.  

Be Gentle to one another, Hugs,  j


Ur-spo said...

I think i would like iowa in the winter time.

Idaho City Historic Lodge said...

The war painting you showed is exactly what I had in mind for a logo idea for either our Lodge of Research here in idaho, or our Historic Lodge from Idaho City (and Im secretary for both!) - i sent a design to a company and have one back; it is meant to represent Columbia, the allegorical representation of america in poetry, the goddess of american progress aka Lady Liberty etc. said...

It is actually hanging in the War Memorial Room. Not sure what the name of it is. I already used it on my prototype for the Iowa Academy of Masonic Knowledge which is just in development. I love it. It represents Masonry to me.