Thursday, May 31, 2007


I am waiting for my clothes to wash so I can pack. I am also waiting for the Fabreeze to dry that I sprayed inside my suitcases. They smelled musty. I think I have everything ready and will hopefully be able to pack after watching General Hospital. I don't like waiting.
Waiting to hear from friends on e-mail
Waiting in line
Waiting for mail to come
Waiting for dogs to stop barking
Waiting for trains

I get antsy - (That must be a word because the spell-check did not underline it)

I like to get e-mail. Especially when it is a note from a friend. I also like getting comments on the blog postings.

I had trouble getting into Blogger to post a new post to the Christian Science Church Blog. Even though I am no longer a member of the Church I wish them well and post their blog entries for them.

I am in my usual mood about traveling. I look forward to going but I am uncertain about leaving things here at home. I have had to get things ready for next weeks stated meeting and I am sure I have left something out. Oh well, they can handle it. I worry about Bailey. I know he will be all right. Jonathan is moving in to take care of him (along with his animals who live here) -

At least this time I will not have computer withdrawal as I am taking my laptop. I need to keep in touch and hope I will be able to e-mail people (but I promise not to bug some of you - I hope) and of course I have to keep this blog going. I find that even though it is the most boring blog on the Internet some people are reading it and even occasionally leave comments. I added an analytical function to it and I can check to see where people are from who read my Blog. I am amazed at the number of "hits" I get. Who would 'a thunk it. (Hum, thunk didn't get underlined either)

I do my posting from Firefox even though I use Safari for most of my work. Firefox works better when I post because it is easy to add pictures and links to the posts.
When I want to link somewhere I just highlight it and click on a little icon and then copy and paste the URL into a box that appears. Then it will appear to be colored and will take you to that place when you click on it. I don't understand how these things work but they are marvelous and I use them to the best of my ability. There is a way to actually embed the YouTube movie into my post but I haven't learned how to do that yet.

Thanks for reading - Be Loved. Hugs.

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