Saturday, April 11, 2009

Blog Against Theocracy

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Theocracy would be a situation where religious leaders would run the government. I think we saw a foretaste of that in the last administration when the Department of Justice became the Department of Injustice with partisan prosecutions and massive cover-up of criminal activities of the greedy.

These people in the name of religion are out for nothing less than control. Control of every aspect of your lives. We saw that when the Islamic Fundamentalists took over control of Iran and everything was subject to the approval of the Supreme Religious Rulers.

Our Founding Fathers did not found a "Christian Nation" - They founded a nation where all could freely worship the God of their choice and Government was to stay out of the government and politics. No matter what the Religious fundamentalists say, they are wrong. If you study history (which they don't want you to do) you will see and understand this. Our Constitution is not just a "Goddamn piece of paper" (G.W. Bush) it is a document which fundamentally keeps this nation from becoming a theocracy. It must be protected. All three branches of government must remain free from religion although the people in them may be religious. There must be "no law establishing" a religion although the religious wingnuts would have you believe that there is something wrong with that. They would also have you believe that it is right and proper to marginalize those in society who are "different" no matter what that difference may be.

To me the worst crime of these (so-called) religious folk is their hypocrisy. They follow a man who loved unconditionally - even those who were outcast by society. Who would not condemn even a woman "taken in adultery" who was supposed to be stoned to death. He showed that God would love even one such as that. The folks who are brainwashing their children with their religious beliefs would not forgive, would not love and would bring a hell on earth to those who do not worship them.

My religion is for me, it is to bring ME into line with what God wants, It is not always easy but in the end it is better to love than to hate. Today is the day to think about what life would be like under these folks and to remember that it is only our ballot box which keeps this from happening. I found this video on the web the other day. It paints a pretty strong picture of the religious fundamentalists and their Twisted Sermons. Don't let them fool you. They want nothing more than complete control over every aspect of your life.


Ur-spo said...

you would think history would be enough - every socieity where religion/state were one was ugly and eventually discarded.
I am studying Cromwellian England right now - they almost put up Mosaic law. It was an ugly time.

Fran said...

Amen my brother! Thanks for posting this - it is great.