Saturday, April 25, 2009

Obama at the Holocaust Museum

When I visited the Holocaust Museum I was incredibly sobered and impressed with the facts that not only were Jews and Gypsies and homosexuals persecuted and killed under the Hitler regime but also the Freemasons. I came away from both experiences changed in my perceptions and attitude towards human evil.

"To this day, there are those who insist the Holocaust never happened - who perpetrate every form of intolerance — racism, antisemitism, homophobia, xenophobia, sexism, and more — hatred that degrades its victim and diminishes us all. Today, and every day we have an opportunity, as well as an obligation to confront these scourges. To fight the impulse to turn the channel when we see images that disturb us, or wrap ourselves in the false comforts that others' sufferings are not our own..
. Listen


Raven said...

Wonderful speech!

Love your cloud photos...

And thanks for the torture post too. I find it stunning that anyone can justify such actions. Beyond my comprehension.

Ur-spo said...

It is refreshing we finally have someone in the oval office who sounds bright and articulate. I could not stand hearing Bush who sounds like a clod.