This is what we are dealing with in Ames today. After those beautiful pictures that Bob took of the flowers we get this. Such fun! I am not leaving the house today. In anticipation I picked up a small roast beast to fix for supper. (Fans of Dr. Seuss will get the message). That and some of the new wine I discoverd thanks to Don. Malbec Wine from South America. I went to Fareway yesterday and they had two different bottles right there so I got one of each. It is delicious.
When I was a kid growing up we always sang this on Palm Sunday and of course I sounded just like Jerome Hines.
Now go read John Shuck's sermon The Executed God over at Shuck and Jive. You will find it very worthwhile.
Drat, that means we'll probably get snow soon. I'm glad one of your dogs enjoyed it. Poor Smokey is suffering through an ear infection right now.
Wow, that is some snow! I just learned we may get a few flakes as well come Tuesday.
Thanks for the link.
One request just to appease my vanity. Many folks do think my sermons suck, but I don't want to give them any ammo by thinking that Suck is my name too! : )
OOps, Computing with my elbows again. I have fixed it and I do apologize
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