I got to thinking (always a dangerous activity) about John Edwards, John McCain, Bill Clinton and John Kennedy and their infidelities. Readers of this Blog may already know that my father stepped out on my mother and his second and third wives. I have known many men who reach a certain age and step out on their wives or leave them for younger women.
Infidelity is prevalent in this world and in a lot of societies it isn't even commented on.
I have read about the natural behavior of animals (and after all man is an animal). Lions will attempt to breed with many other lionesses. They drive off other males so that their genes can be spread to as many females as possible. They have Prides of females much as some societies allowed plural wives.
I found this on Wikipedia:
The study of animal sexuality (and primate sexuality especially) is a rapidly developing field. It used to be believed that only humans and a handful of species performed sexual acts other than for procreation, and that animals' sexuality was instinctive and a simple response to the "right" stimulation (sight, scent). Current understanding is that many species that were formerly believed monogamous have now been proven to be promiscuous or opportunistic in nature; a wide range of species appear both to masturbate and to use objects as tools to help them do so; in many species animals try to give and get sexual stimulation with others where procreation is not the aim; and homosexual behavior has now been observed among 1,500 species and in 500 of those it is well documented.So I wonder if it isn't just a natural thing that these guys behave in this way? If it is, does that excuse their behavior? To me, it is a very stupid thing to have done. (Not that we all have not done stupid things.) Man is, after all, the only species who seems to know the difference between doing something and not doing it and therefore makes a choice when he behaves this way. So I guess that I am disappointed that my idol has clay feet but I am not surprised. There was one individual who did not have clay feet. He did not condemn the woman taken in adultery. He also said "Judge not." So I won't. Thanks for stopping by. Hugs, jcs
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