An American Freemason Speaks Out for Peace
by Dr. Patrick Swift
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To those who are good to me, I am good; and to those who are not good to me, I am also good.
Tao Te Chin 49
Tao Te Chin 49
It may be that Allah will ordain love between you and those of them with whom ye are at enmity. Allah is Mighty, and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful
The Meaning of the Glorious Quran 60:7
I opened the book last evening at random and they came to these two quotations. Now I don't really believe in randomness where spirituality is concerned. I believe that the Great Spirit sends us the message we need. These two quotes reminded me of a poem by a Cuban poet. So I went to our "Great Library of Alexandria" (The Internets) put in white rose and Cuban poet and voila there it was.
The more I read "I Cultivate a White Rose" by Jose Marti, the more I see in it, and the more mysterious it becomes.
I Cultivate a White Rose
I cultivate a white rose
In July as in January
For the sincere friend
Who gives me his hand frankly.
And for the cruel person who tears out
The heart with which I live,
I cultivate neither nettles nor thorns:
I cultivate a white rose.
I Cultivate a White Rose
I cultivate a white rose
In July as in January
For the sincere friend
Who gives me his hand frankly.
And for the cruel person who tears out
The heart with which I live,
I cultivate neither nettles nor thorns:
I cultivate a white rose.
I found this poem when I was in college (eons ago) and fell in love with it then and I still love it now. Even after 40 years of knowing the poem it still has the power to bring tears to my eyes and a catch into my heart. That is power. Or maybe I am just a sentimental old fool.
Over the past 12 months I have had some things happen to me that hurt me deeply. Deeper than ever was done before. No matter that it was perceived as being "my fault" - by me as well as by others. The hurt was there. Now we are at a place where I have decided to move on and stop trying to be a friend to that person. Do I hate him? No, I cultivate a white rose.
I have others who are my friends. Some I didn't even know about. Michael stopped me for a visit at the Scottish Rite the other day. He said some very nice things to me.
The next thing was I found this in the comments on one of my posts. I love it.
You are a Masonic treasure- always full of Light, bright, shining and radiating. Shake those Blues... take it from a new bulb...there is a need for your Wisdom and inspiration.
I dedicate a poem to you:
It's A Whole New Scene
Sometimes when I'm feeling blue
and it seems I just don't know what to do,
I cool myself down and try to put things in order...
I turn myself on and ideas flow like water.
Some I heed and some I don't;
Some I'll need and some I won't.
Some I'll store on my safekeeping shelf
and some I'll turn into Spiritual wealth.
I'll separate the colors and pull out the Blues
and breaking those down will leave me with two-
having broken down the blues into it's yellows and greens
they become the Sun and New Light
and It's A Whole New Scene!
Michael A Washington
I love the imagery in that poem! Everyone should have a "safekeeping shelf" and breaking down the blues - wow!I dedicate a poem to you:
It's A Whole New Scene
Sometimes when I'm feeling blue
and it seems I just don't know what to do,
I cool myself down and try to put things in order...
I turn myself on and ideas flow like water.
Some I heed and some I don't;
Some I'll need and some I won't.
Some I'll store on my safekeeping shelf
and some I'll turn into Spiritual wealth.
I'll separate the colors and pull out the Blues
and breaking those down will leave me with two-
having broken down the blues into it's yellows and greens
they become the Sun and New Light
and It's A Whole New Scene!
Michael A Washington
Michael calls himself a "new bulb" because he has just joined our fraternity. But I am coming to know him as an "old soul" there is so much wisdom and love in his being he has to have been around for a long time.
So even though I have been cursed at and derided I bear no enmity towards any person. I try to have only love (white roses) for everyone. I have great friends who I love and who love me. That is what it is all about (life) - I feel sadness for lost friendships but I will "go to the left hand pasture" (never the right hand for me) - I just don't need to feel less than I am. And what is that? That is God's child (imperfect yes but God's child nevertheless) and you know, so are they. Each of us have our own path to take. "There are many paths to the top of the mountain - But the view is always the same." Someday perhaps. Until then. Thanks for stopping by and thank you Patrick for your wonderful book. jcs
1 comment:
Dear Brother Jay,
I am always grateful for your interest in my book! I posted an inspirational video on YouTube your readers may enjoy:
Thanks again!
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