Random thoughts of a febrile brain.
Out of curiosity, just when has Sen. McCain ever been the leader of anything?
What qualifies him as a LEADER?
More important, HOW is he qualified to lead this great country?
I can't find anything in his record except for his having been a prisoner in Viet Nam and his being at the center of the Keating scandal (and close to indictment) in the early 80s—an affair that cost the American taxpayers a WHOLE lot of money in bailing out savings and loan companies.
His record as congressman and senator is mediocre at the very best.
His personal life is a complete disgrace.
What has he EVER been the leader of?
Navy? Nope. 23 years in the Navy, five as a POW, and the rest of it undistinguished.
Business? No experience whatsoever, and he self-admittedly knows nothing about the economy.
Politics? Nope—back-bencher all the way.
Foreign policy? No experience at all. (Knowing about the military does NOT qualify him, in my book, to negotiate American foreign policy!)
Constitutional expertise? None whatsoever. In fact, he is perhaps more ignorant of the central document of our law than Pres. George W. Bush is, and that frightens me.
Moral example? Not hardly!! NOTED for years in Washington as one of the most sexually predatory members of Congress. Doesn’t know whether he’s Episcopalian or Baptist!
Even today his trophy wife is supporting him financially.
The ONLY “jobs” he’s ever had are in the military and as a politician. Honest work???
And it’s not only that he has no first-hand experience as a leader. WHEN has he shown leadership of anything but his own self-promoting campaign?
Has he been a leader in Congress? His record says he hasn’t.
Has he been a leader in defining political ideas? No. He’s followed the party line.
Does he deserve the description “maverick”? Not according to his voting record.
Has he thought through the problems facing this country? NOTHING he says suggests serious intellectual consideration of ANY of the most pressing issues.
Does he bring ANY innovative ideas to his campaign? Not that I can see.
I really am curious about all of this, and I THINK I've done my homework...
Addendum. And here is a link to one more (rather pertinent question. Click here.
1 comment:
Well my Republican "friends" would answer me with the usual - "Oh Dianne, there's no talking to you!"
Have you noticed how they hate questions? Must be cause they hate the true answers even more.
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