This Week's Ten Word Challenge : tiramisu, transfixed, evacuation, Queen of the Nile, pillowcase, grammatical, voice inflection, pacified, microclimate, swami
And for the Mini Challenge: maggots, thermal pocket, industrial, bovine, feminized
“Phrog, what is wrong? You look so sad,” inquired Sallyie. “Sit down and have some tea and tiramisu, it will help you.

Phrog was transfixed by her beauty. He remembered the swami and his partner the Queen of the Nile (or the Queen of denial as he used to call her.) with whom he used to live and how they were forced to suffer through the evacuation because of the thermal pocket that was changing the climate. . He was worried about her voice inflection, He wondered if the dread bovine maggots were attacking her which could cause a grammatical problem if not corrected causing her to have problems speaking. He was going to ask her about it but knew her answer would be "My grammer died years ago."
Saydie looked up from the pillowcase she was embroidering and pulled some industrial thread out to work with. She didn’t want the pillowcase to be too feminized. She was also working on a little microclimate in a jar with plants and tiny bugs. It pacified her to do so – especially when she was upset. "Don’t worry Phrog. You are still the secret leader of the Order of the Salamnders and nothing can take that away from you."
Next Week's Ten Word Challenge will be: pogo stick, ant farm, psychic, tin box, wall safe, Waterloo, surge protector, pneumonia, ravages of time, turtle
And for the Mini Challenge: Swollen ankles, opera singer, toothy grin, oil paints, potter’s wheel
Go to Raven's Nest to link to the other participants.
Phrog is the secret leader of the Order of Salamanders! This is shocking news. Well done as always.
Bovine maggots - a disease for bad grammar. I must say in all my teaching I had never heard of that. It would so explain a lot. Who knew! :)
Bovine maggots - a disease that causes bad grammar. I have to say in all my teaching I had never heard of that. That could explain a lot. Who knew!! :)
Have a wonderful Saturday.
I think I have bovine maggots - I get tongue tied sometimes! :)
So my poor grammar on my blogs is due to Bovine maggots. Ugh!!!!!
I'll have to get that looked at by a doctor.
Perhaps my grammar died years ago as well. Loved this weeks edition.
So Phrog is actually quite powerful! and yet so sad ...
Personally, I think Wordzzle CAUSES Bovine Maggots! (which in turn causes poor grammar! But MY grammEr died years ago too... before I was even born!) This was great!
Hmn, Saydie is very busy; embroidering and raising bugs. What mixed interests!
What a fun entry. :-)
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