I got an award from Essential Estrogen who wrote some nice things about me. She said:

Jay, at Bailey's Buddy, gives me a glimpse of places I might want to go visit and people I might like to meet and things I might want to do -- all right here in Iowa. He has a friend Bob that likes to take photos -- and the photos, which Jay posts on his blog, are just wonderful. And, seeing how I'm often traveling to central Iowa and am always on the lookout for good places to eat, I especially enjoyed one of his recent posts about Audubon's in Ames -- even if the photos left me licking my lips.I am going to have a responsibility in accepting this award but I am putting that responsibility off because I need to catch up on some other things.
I went to the Shrine Past Master's Club Semi-annual dinner tonight. I rejoined the Shrine this year. I had read about the work the Shrine was doing and decided that I really wanted to be associated with them again. I am glad I did. I was able to find my Fez and sprayed it with Fabreeze as it had not been out of the case for about 20 years. I had dropped out as it was too hard to participate in anything while I was teaching,
The Shrine Past Masters travel to lodges and
And I enjoyed the folks I ate with and the food was very good.
I like being a Shriner. Even though I don't go to things like the Shrine Bowl Game it was really nice for me to be able to purchace
I know that some of you will miss Found For Friday but I am going to wait to post them until Saturday. Because it is late and I am afraid if I post too much tonight they will flag me again.
After all it is not parinoia if they really are out to get you.
I have one more thing to say. I've said it before but because of something that happened today I am saying it again. If you don't like what I put on the blog Don't read it! This is my Blog. I use it for me and for those who care about me. I don't care if you don't like me or you don't like what I wrote. I don't need to hear from you or have your hatred spewed at me. As far as I am concerned we never need to talk to each other again. I took great offense at your e-mail and have sent in my request to withdraw from your lodge. You will never have to deal with me again and your e-mail address will be relegated to my spam folder. You have become a non-person in my life. I will not be talked to or treated that way by anyone! It has taken me a long time to get to this point but I am there. I am sorry for your problems. Since I have known you I have tried to be supportive and caring. No more.
And for the rest of you, Thanks for stopping by and for listening. I am glad I am back and I hope you are also. Be loved. Hugs, jcs
I love you ...
Glad to have you back. I enjoy your blog very much, rants and all. Most of the time I agree, but realize first and formost that it is "your opinion". People who read other peoples "diary" should not be compaining. Let alone tell daddy "he's a spam blogger". Shame on whoever that was. If they don't like it, don't read. It was hard for us to go through the weekend cold turkey too.
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