It has been quite a weekend. I felt at times like someone or something was after me. First there was the shutting down of my posting ability and that was frustrating. I really like to post and being unable to do so caused the usual withdrawal symptoms. My hands were shaking and my breath came in short spurts. I was perspiring and unable to sleep. No, that is a lie. I actually kind of enjoyed the little break. It was back up very quickly and so that really didn't matter much.
I had to go to Des Moines 4 times in as many days. Now I know that some folks do it every day and get used to it but I am old and on a fixed income which used to be adequate until the Bush Recession destroyed my buying power.
Then I had trouble sending out my Arcadia Alert e-mail, Had to invent a new screen name and call AOL for technical help. I got chewed out by someone who thought I'd care and my Video Tape Recorder quit working. It refused to tape so I missed taping Monk and Psych while I was at the Shriner's party. (You know it is not paranoia if they really are after you.)
So I went to Best Buy because I wanted to touch bases with Brother Lucas who works there but he wasn't in. Anyway I bought a Sony DVD/VCR machine and when I got home tried to set it up. It required a box from the cable company. So I waited until this morning and called the Cable company. I visited with a very nice lady and told her my problem. It turns out that I would have to rent a box for $10 a month in order to get the machine to work. So I returned it to Best Buy. I went to Target to see what they had. They have a machine that would record on a DVD as well as a tape and would not require a "box" but you know I didn't want that. My DVD player works just fine. Besides it would have cost $300 and (see the aforementioned statement about Mr. Bush) I didn't want to spend that much money. The salesperson suggested that I try E-bay. I don't do E-bay.
So I thought perhaps one of the TV places would still have one. I went to one and found that it had gone out of business and the other one didn't have anything that would work. I mean he had one but it was not programmable. I have a tenacity when I want to find something (Mother was that way also. You should have seen her getting all the pictures of the Past Matrons and Patrons for the Lodge.) so I thought of one more place. The pawn shop. (That is the Pawn Shop Emblem above) - And guess what they had one. Just what I wanted. And he gave me a 3 day warranty to see if the record will work. So far it does. And the best part of it was that it was only $30. I am going shopping at the Pawn Shop next time I need a TV or a watch. I know I am taking a chance but so far it works and if it stops I am only out $30. Oh and one more thing it uses Channel 4 instead of Channel 3 so I no longer have to listen to the vapid Joan Rivers or the other minions of sales on QVC.
I just got a note from Trevor and he sent a picture which I will try to up-load.
He calls it Scorpion. Because that is what he has in his mouth. I think the Ur-Spo will appreciate seeing what else can be done with Scorpions. (I asked Trevor what they taste like. - "Crispy chicken skins was the answer.") Trevor is in China... I hear that they have taken dog off the menu during the Olympics.

. Thanks for stopping by, Hugs, j
1 comment:
no scorpions for me; they are not kosher.
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