I liked the premise of this movie. Some Hollywood folks are making a movie in the jungle and they get involved with some drug lords who take some of them captive. It is rated R for violence and language and it certainly has those a plenty.
I can't say it was the best movie I had ever seen and I objected to the parts where Ben Stiller plays a mentally handicapped person. It is controversial and you can read about that here.
I thought that some of the humor was sophomoric but then I went expecting that. I enjoyed Robert Downey, Jr. (who was the best in my opinion) and the other stars but it was really fun to see Nick Nolte who is my age and who I went to grade school with for awhile (eons ago). I could not do the things he was doing in the movie.
All in all it was a diverting way to spend a Sunday afternoon and I enjoyed it.
Now back to the mentally handicapped controversy. I used to work at Whittier School here in Ames. We had a class of Severe and Profound handicapped students brought into the school. One of the "little darlings" made some remark about "retards." That ticked me off and I "talked to her" about respecting all people. And then I decided that at least my class would have a learning experience. So I talked to the teacher and while some of her students could not do much there were things they could do. So I offered my students a chance to get out of class once or twice a week and go down and just toss a ball back and forth or to read to them - whatever Shelly wanted and it was a good thing. My kids learned and her kids felt more acceptance. I am sorry that Jerry Stiller chose to use these folks as a cheap laugh. He needs to learn respect for everyone.
Other than that I recommend the film - Matthew Mcconaughey and Tom Cruise are also in it. I am sorry I no longer enjoy Tom Cruise. After his behavior on Oprah and his interview with Matt Lauer I just find him someone I don't want to watch anymore. Matthew Mcconaughey did a really nice job with his part.
BTW - The film just got an "uneven" review on Epert and Roper but both of the reviewers gave it a "go see" rating. Thanks for stopping by. Hugs, j
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