Tonight Specialis Procer Lodge Under Dispensation held a Festive Board at the Machine Shed Restaurant in Des Moines. 16 members and Visitors were in attendance.

Brother Ron enjoyed himself as did we all.

S. W. Fredrick had arranged for a beautiful meal Pork Loin and Sirloin Tips served family style.

We all got to sit around one table and the fellowship was terriffic.

We had a great time and as I looked around the group I was very grateful for the Brothers who have helped to start this unique Lodge. Masons dining together and listening to papers is what we are all about. I think this is a great group and I am very pleased that we have started this Lodge.

Brothers Craig and John share a moment before the meal with Worshipful Master Timothy. Sorry Tim, I cut you in half. John lives in Mt. Vernon and drove over just for the meeting. That is dedication. I can't wait until he presents his paper.

Here is a better picture of Timothy and Craig.

Another look down the table. Brother Kurt shared a fascinating
paper on the Chronology of the Masonic Degrees. (Be patient it takes awhile to load) He has taken most of the degrees and placed them in Chronological Order. Most of the attendees were able to take this reference home. He has also posted it to our Forum.

And, of course, I had to take some snaps of the decor at the entrance to the Machine Shed. Corney of me.

This little Piggy went to market.

And finally Craig asked me if I knew what this was. Do you know? Fortunately I did.
This was what Masonry was like in the early years. Brothers enjoying each others company around the Festive Board. Thanks for stopping by. Hugs, jcs
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