Saturday, May 2, 2009

Eastern Star Grand Officers - Grand Exemplification

Today I was supposed to do three things. Instead I did one. I went to an Eastern Star Grand Exemplification. The daughter of our District Instructor was initiated and I wanted to be there. The birthday party was cancelled and it was too late to go to the DeMolay Degree when I got out of the Eastern Star Meeting. It is all right as I had a good time and if you are interested you can see the pictures above or you can go to the On[line album here. I have heard the Eastern Star Degrees hundreds of times and today they were given especially beautifully. The stories are timeless and it is very nice to see them done well.

BTW, Sylvia is the daughter of our District Instructor. Her grandmother is in the hospital or she would have been there. She (the grandmother) has been an Eastern Star member for 70 years and has been an officer for that long. She is one of my very favorite people and we worked on the Eastern Star Home Board until her retirement last year. She gave the quilt in the pictures to Sylvia. So she was there in spirit even though she was not there physically. As I left Sylvia and her mother were leaving to go to see Dorothy in the hospital.

Thanks for stopping by, ARTYAL. Hugs

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