Friday, May 15, 2009


As always click on the button to see the guidelines.
And don't forget to go to Raven's Nest to see all the others.

This Week's Ten Word Challenge is: Green goddess, shampoo, filibuster, please and thank you, Operation Marigold, throw pillows, up the creek without a paddle, spandex, ubiquitous, wedding ring,

Mini Challenge: Skittles, lamb chops, stingray, chagrin, clever devil

" exclaimed Sallyie, "Aren't you a
clever devil to have avoided the Magus' anger (much to his chagrin ) and now you are the holder of the Stingray Trophy for bringing in the most members to the Order. I think we will have lamb chops and Skittles for the banquet."

"Sallyie, is this your
wedding ring?" asked Saydie who had just returned from the Ubiquitous (they're everywhere) Spa. (She was wearing her spandex, tutu and looked like she was up the creek without a paddle.) She leaned over to adjust the throw pillows on the red divan.

"Yes, it is," replied Sallyie. "I took it off when the director came to discuss my part in the new film
Operation Marigold." You may return it to me please and thank you. I shall need it tonight as I am planning to filibuster the Conclave of the Order after I shampoo my hair and rinse it with Green goddess rinse. It makes it glow ever so nicely.

Next Week's Ten Word Challenge will be: albino, trench, marble, assistant, Indian, What's that supposed to mean?, sound first principles, the key thing, moat, curtain

The mini challenge: under the surface, doomed, grand design, temple, aspirin


Ziggy Stardust said...

Bailey tell your buddy that June 26 is take your dog to work day!

Thanks from Sasha

Raven said...

Ah, the Stingray Trophy! I love the Ubiquitous (they're everywhere) Spa! Well done as always!!

Dr.John said...

A great job as usual . I really liked the Stingray trophy and " Ubiquitous (they're everywhere) Spa." I laughed on that one. I always felt that all of the lodges from Moose to Masons were a good target for satire.

bettygram said...

That is quite a meal lamb chops and skittles.

Fandango said...

You have made the dragons hungry for lamb chops and skittles. One of our favorite meals. Do you think they cook the skittles in with the lamb chops. we like them that way. On the other hand a nice lamb not chopped would taste good right now. Your blog always makes us hungry.
Very creative writing.

Dianne said...

the spa line made me chuckle too!

Stephen said...

I liked the story. I'm glad Phrog got the Stingray Trophy. It's nice to get an award.

Stephen from Scottsdale, Arizona, USA