Saturday, October 13, 2007

Being Bullied

I used to ask students who would come to me and tell me that so and so had called them a name (usually stupid or dummy) if they were that (stupid or dummy). That would bring them up short and they would say "No" and I would tell them not to worry about it then.

I think I understand how they felt and probably need to take my own advice but when you are on the receiving end of being bullied it doesn't feel good. It doesn't matter if you know you are not what you are being called. It still hurts.

I think that is why I took the "road trips" this week. To get past some feelings I have been having. It may be why I wrote the post about Leaders. However I did not write it to attack or to bully anyone. I wrote it because I am genuinely concerned in the direction I see the York Rite going and I really wanted to make some suggestions on how things could be better. I hope no one takes it personally. I have the greatest respect for those who are in office and for the work they are doing. I just really feel (and I am not alone in this) that something needs to be done to revitalize our Rite.

The suggestions I made are only that. There are lots of things that need/could be done. The most important thing is to work and talk together. Mainly those who are currently in office need to long range plan to determine what they can do to improve things. Perhaps a Mission Statement and strategic planning would be a way to help.

It was meant as a wake-up call. Not to make anyone feel bad or think I am criticizing any one in particular. I will take my share of responsibility for the way things are now (even though it was 20 years ago since I was in office).

The York Rite is worthy of our effort. It is worthy of saving. I know that Estherville has had phenomenal growth and continues to plan and grow. There are other centers of activity in the state. Des Moines and Cedar Rapids come to mind. But we are about to lose two Chapters in the southeast part of the state and who knows for sure where others are in danger.

Something is being done. Something more needs to be done. Grand Officers can help if they do more than just show up and "look pretty."I sincerely hope that what I wrote has helped to get people to dedicate themselves to do something for the Rite and in so doing will do the RIGHT things. J

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