Saturday, October 13, 2007

Michael Clayton

George Clooney plays a "fixer" in this excellent film from Warner Brothers. It is his job to take care of problems in his law firm.

Michael Clayton is not a fast paced movie with car chases or shoot 'em up scenes, although there is a car bombing. However, the movie kept my interest all the way through it and I left satisfied that I had seen another fine performance by George Clooney. He uses every nuance in his acting and the final scene where he gets into a taxi cab and hands the driver $50 and tells him to give him $50. worth was well worth sitting through. It was just the camera focused on him in the back seat of the cab riding along but I felt like I could see him reviewing the events of the film in his mind as he rode along. Subtle changes in his expression made me believe I could see him actually thinking.

I highly recommend this movie to anyone who wants to see good acting, a great story and a very satisfying conclusion. Hugs on a cold and rainy day. j

I just discovered that another blogger also saw the movie. He even stole the same poster that I did. To read his take on the movie click here.

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