Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Since I am a Scorpio I thought I would put up my Zodiac sign this month. (Since we are just now moving into Scorpio)   I find the traits strangely like me.
Traditional Scorpio Traits

Determined and forceful

Emotional and intuitive

Powerful and passionate

Exciting and magnetic

On the dark side....

Jealous and resentful

Compulsive and obsessive
Secretive and obstinate

Scorpio is the eighth sign of the Zodiac and associated with intensity, fruitfulness, sexuality, passion, power, leadership, tenacity, and death.
The individuals born under this sign are thought to be loyal, strong-willed, complex, capable of genius, thoughtful, supportive, protective, generous, intense, humble, quiet, brave, and emotional. Scorpios can also be jealous, stubborn, demanding, grudge-holders, obsessive, secretive, possessive, angry, suspicious, hedonistic, and unreliable.

Scorpios usually can't stand surprises, lying/deceit, apathy, being analysed/questioned, being 'understood', excessive compliments, insincerity, embarrassment and passivity.
The Scorpio ego can also be the most resilient in the zodiac. You can neither insult nor compliment them to ill or great effect, as Scorpios know their strengths and weaknesses. You may not be able to insult them, but you can easily break their heart once it has been given.
They are often called the loners of the zodiac. In fact, they hate being alone, and this misinterpretation of their desire to protect themselves as aloofness is the most heartbreaking part of being a Scorpio.

The above is so much like the way I see myself with only minor differences. I must be a typical Scorpio. Anyway next month I will have my 66th birthday. I'm still looking at myself to learn my strengths and weaknesses but most if it is "spot on." Or it could be my imagination. Hugs, j-bear

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