Friday, January 4, 2008


Back to Boring

In keeping with my tradition (from sometime) it is time for my monthly educational posting about the month. This month is January and is named after the Roman God of doorways Janus. You can see he has two faces so he can look forward and backward. (Side note: The caretaker of doorways and hallways was also named after Janus....Janitor)

We do a lot of that at this time of year. Lists of the past year are published or postings about the year. Christmas letters are sent out to people to catch them up on the doings of the ______ family (insert what ever name you want almost everybody sends them) and are designed to make everyone else in the world envious of the trips they have been on or the good fortune has bestowed upon them. (Yeah, I know, I am being cynical again. I actually look forward to hearing from folks and catching up on what is happening with them.)

It is also a time for making predictions. (looking forward) Most of us don't send out predictions for the future because we spend more time looking back than forward. This is evidenced by the number of e-mails I get extolling the virtues of past times and "do you remember" types of lists. My friend Bob sent me the link to this list of what the class of 2011 won't remember. It was interesting and reminded me that I have lived in "interesting times" (Isn't than an old Chinese curse?) Anyway I have lived through a lot. Perhaps I will make it another 10 years. (perhaps not) I won't make any prediction about it. I am preparing for the future by having a will and plans for what to do with my "stuff" when I am gone. But I am not predicting my immanent demise.

Some predictions are easy.. I can predict that we will have a presidential election in November of 2008 and that the Olympics will be held next summer. That there will be an extra day in February. I can also predict that I will again attend many Masonic meetings. What I won't presume to predict is who will win that election (I can hope but I won't predict) I will also predict that the writer's strike will be settled yet this month, that I will watch some of the Olympics and will probably go to San Diego in June.

I just read that the first Monday in January is Handsel Monday. You can read about January more here.

My friend Bob sent me this picture. It is of a seed pod on a frosty morning.
I think it goes with this post. The old seed pod on a tree covered with frost will soon fall to the ground and release its potential of a new plant. January is like that. To me it is all about potential. I hope for all of you a great new year. I intend to have one! So there! Hugs, j
P.S. It is awesome that we have passed the 14,500 mark on the counter. Thanks for reading. Dare I predict 15,000?

1 comment:

Dianne said...

Bob's photo is beautiful, and your post is worthy of it :)