Wednesday, January 2, 2008

They're Back

Letterman had Robin Williams.
Craig Ferguson had no guests.

I am so glad they are back. I spent two hours in front of the TV and laughed and laughed. Out loud. in the house all by myself. As Craig said at the end of his monologue "God, I missed you!"

Cathy sent me the link to this article. It is a good one. Thank you Craig and David, We missed you.

Just in case you missed it. Here's the opening (commercial at the end)

1 comment:

Dianne said...

Two great shows back to back! Loved every minute of it. I swear I had a tear in my eye when Craig said "God I missed you".

and I always laugh out loud by myself when Craig is on. even Siren perks up - he's learning to forgive Craig's distaste for cats.