Raven has honored me with an Award. She says:
Jay Simser at Bailey's Buddy. Jay is a regular participant in my Saturday Wordzzle Challenge, adding his own special twist to the process every week. I am awed by the prolific variety of his posts. I don't know how he finds the time to share so many posts on such a wide range of topics and still do all the things he does in his life.
The rules (And Yes, Raven I hate Rules also) are as follows
1) Pick five (5) blogs that you consider deserve this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and also for contributing to the blogging community, no matter what language.
2) Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to his or her blog to be visited by everyone.
3) Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her or him the award itself.
4) Award-winner and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of “Arte y Pico” blog.
One problem is that I have been seeing this award on Blogs I read and doubt that I should give it to people who have already received it.
My five choices for the Arte Y Pico Award are as follows:
First Kurt's Kommentaries from Friend and Brother Kurt Hoffmann. Kurt can't spell but he consistently puts up interesting posts about his interests which (like mine) are eclectic and interesting.
Then Kurt's Wife at Blondie Speaks gets one. Just because she puts up pictures of her kids and they are favorites of mine. I also love to see her creative work with her sewing.
Michael at Spo-Reflections has become a Blogfriend. He reads my blog and I read his (his is more interesting) and I admire him greatly. He lives in Phoenix and sometimes I worry that the heat there will fry his brains but so far he has proven to be a cool character.
Timothy Bonney is a Baptist (American) minister and a good friend. He writes a Masonic Blog called Freemasonry Resources. He does not post on other subjects on this blog but he does an excellent job explaining and commenting on the fraternity.
And finally the Papers of Robert G. Davis. I cannot tell you how much I enjoy this man's writings. Sometimes he writes about things other than Freemasonry but whatever he writes about it is always worth the read.
Now I am not going to expect that they follow all the rules but they are my choices and I stand by them. Now that wasn't really all that hard, was it. ARTYAL. Hugs, jcs
Is turnabout fair play? Kurt awarded me this with his tongue planted firmly in his cheek. (His right one I think,) - Click on the award to receive an explanation.

Thank you very much for the mention and the honor; I am indeed honored!
Not to be worrying about friend brains; they are likely to melt in the Arizona heat long before they fry.
Brother Jay. Thanks for the honor! I hardly feel deserving. But, the recognition is appreciated.
congrats Jay - you know how I feel about you :)
as for rules - well made to be broken
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